Arduino serves as a versatile embedded platform, ideal for constructing a room thermostat, a project we will explore today. The implementation involves Arduino paired with the Ethernet shield Wiznet W5100, functioning in web server mode. It can handle requests from network clients through the HTTP protocol and respond with HTML code. This thermostat is accessible within the LAN network, equipped with a web interface facilitating the configuration of all thermostat elements. The web server supports multiple independent HTML pages, offering both informative and functional content. It operates on the standard HTTP port - 80. The thermostat autonomously controls the signaling relay to switch on the gas boiler through the output, providing a potential replacement for an existing room thermostat. The decision algorithm utilizes the target temperature with hysteresis, comparing it with the measured temperature from the digital temperature sensor Dallas DS18B20. The DS18B20 sensor boasts a 12-bit resolution during measurements, resulting in a precision of 0.0625 °C. Data transmitted via the OneWire bus can reach the microcontroller within 500 to 1000 ms. The system's decision logic executes every 10 seconds independently of the web server. No keep-alive connection is necessary for logic execution, ensuring the system operates autonomously without requiring constant user attention.
In terms of hardware, the project uses:HTML pages running on Arduino:
The web interface is crafted to be adaptable to screens of varying sizes, ensuring responsiveness across larger and smaller displays. It seamlessly supports widescreen high-definition monitors as well as mobile devices. To achieve this, the interface incorporates CSS styles imported from the Bootstrap framework, sourced from an external CDN server. This approach optimizes client-side loading when accessing a page hosted on Arduino. Given the memory constraints of the Arduino Uno, which can only accommodate pages of a few kB in size, importing CSS styles from an external server helps reduce the performance and memory demands on Arduino. In terms of software implementation (for Arduino Uno), approximately 70% of the flash memory (32kB - 4kB Bootloader) and 44% of the RAM memory (2kB) are utilized. Critical components of the web page, such as the HTML document header and footer, Bootstrap CSS linking, meta tags, HTTP response header, Content Type, and forms, are stored directly in Arduino's flash memory. This strategic placement significantly diminishes the RAM usage for user-generated content. The resulting web server is more stable, capable of handling multiple connections from various devices within the network simultaneously. The overall power consumption of the thermostat is within the range of 200 mA at a 5V supply - maintaining efficiency below 1W.
To retain configured values in the event of a power failure, they are stored in the EEPROM memory of the Arduino. The reference temperature is written to offset 10, while the hysteresis is stored at offset 100. Each of these values takes up a maximum of 5B in the EEPROM memory, including the terminator. The EEPROM transcription is limited to 100,000 transcripts. Data is overwritten exclusively when the HTML form is submitted. The thermostat's operation is designed to be extremely gentle on the EEPROM memory, aiming to maximize its service life. Upon the device's initial startup, if there is no stored information at the mentioned EEPROM offsets, an automatic writing process will take place with default values - reference: 20.25 °C, hysteresis: 0.25 °C. This fail-safe solution ensures that the thermostat is immediately functional and ready for operation.
The web server employs the Refresh meta tag to refresh the entire page every 30 seconds, and an approximate countdown time is dynamically displayed on the HTML page through Javascript. It is crucial to finalize any thermostat changes within this timeframe; otherwise, the input fields for numerical entries in the form will reset upon page refresh. Responding to feedback from Android device users, the Refresh interval has been extended from 10 to 30 seconds. Due to the absence of asynchronous web server support in the built-in Ethernet library (commonly found in microcontrollers like Espressif ESP8266/ESP32), a full page rewrite becomes necessary. The dynamically changing data primarily includes the current state of the output - On / Off. This information conveys the operational status to the operator, complete with color-coded indications. Since the system logic operates independently of the web server, the output may have changed before the scheduled refresh in the web application. Changes in the output state are instantly reflected in the UART monitor (115200 baud/s). On the thermostat's web page, users will also find details about the device's uptime - indicating how long it has been running in terms of days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
The thermostat initiates heating when the measured temperature falls to 22.49 °C or below. Once the temperature surpasses 23.01 °C, the output is deactivated, leading to the opening of the signaling relay and subsequently stopping the gas boiler from heating. This cycle controls the heating and cooling of the room where the measurements are conducted. The thermostat remains inactive until the temperature drops to 22.49 °C or lower, at which point it resumes the heating process.
Library name | Library Function | Download |
Dallas |
Library for AVR microcontrollers (ATmega) Arduino Uno / Nano / Mega. It allows communication with the Dallas DS18B20 sensor on the OneWire bus. Possibility of communication after normal or parasitic connection. |
Download |
/*|HTTP webserver - Ethernet thermostat, Wiznet W5100 / W5500|*/
/*|Arduino Uno / Nano / Mega compatible (R3) |*/
/*|AUTHOR: Martin Chlebovec |*/
/*|EMAIL: |*/
/*|DONATE: |*/
#include <avr\wdt.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h> //FOR Wiznet W5100
//#include <Ethernet2.h> //FOR Wiznet W5500
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 5
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
DallasTemperature sensorsA(&oneWire);
const int rele = 6;
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBB, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xAE }; //physical mac address
byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 4, 1 };
EthernetServer server(80); //server port
const char terminator1[2] = " ";
const char terminator3[2] = "?";
const char terminator4[2] = "&";
const char terminator5[2] = "=";
unsigned long cas = 0;
long day = 86400000; // 86400000 milliseconds in a day
long hour = 3600000; // 3600000 milliseconds in an hour
long minute = 60000; // 60000 milliseconds in a minute
long second = 1000; // 1000 milliseconds in a second
float teplota;
String stav = "OFF";
boolean isFloat(String tString) {
String tBuf;
boolean decPt = false;
if (tString.charAt(0) == '+' || tString.charAt(0) == '-') tBuf = &tString[1];
else tBuf = tString;
for (int x = 0; x < tBuf.length(); x++)
if (tBuf.charAt(x) == '.') {
if (decPt) return false;
else decPt = true;
else if (tBuf.charAt(x) < '0' || tBuf.charAt(x) > '9') return false;
return true;
void writeString(char add, String data)
int _size = data.length();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < _size; i++)
EEPROM.write(add + i, data[i]);
EEPROM.write(add + _size, '\0'); //Add termination null character for String Data
String read_String(char add)
int i;
char data[100]; //Max 100 Bytes
int len = 0;
unsigned char k;
k =;
while (k != '\0' && len < 500) //Read until null character
k = + len);
data[len] = k;
data[len] = '\0';
return String(data);
void setup() {
String a = read_String(10);
String b = read_String(100);
if (a == "" || a == NULL) {
writeString(100, "20.25");
if (b == "" || b == NULL) {
writeString(10, "0.25");
pinMode(rele, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(rele, HIGH);
// Ethernet.begin(mac); //FOR DHCP
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip); //FOR STATIC IPv4
Serial.println(F("Webapp created by: Martin Chlebovec"));
Serial.println(F("Build 1.0.4 from 18. Sep 2021"));
Serial.println(F("Ethernet thermostat IP address:"));
void loop() {
if ((millis() - cas) >= 10000 || cas == 0) {
cas = millis();
Serial.println(F("Ethernet thermostat IP address:"));
teplota = sensorsA.getTempCByIndex(0);
String referencia = read_String(10);
String hystereza = read_String(100);
float referencia_teplota = referencia.toFloat();
float hystereza_teplota = hystereza.toFloat();
float minus_hystereza_teplota = (-1 * hystereza_teplota);
float rozdiel = referencia_teplota - teplota;
if (rozdiel > hystereza_teplota) {
Serial.println(F("Output on"));
stav = "ON";
digitalWrite(rele, LOW);
} else if (rozdiel < minus_hystereza_teplota) {
Serial.println(F("Output off"));
stav = "OFF";
digitalWrite(rele, HIGH);
} else {
Serial.println(F("Difference between target and actual temp is not above or below the hysteresis. The output state does not change."));
Serial.print(F("Actual state of output: "));
EthernetClient client = server.available();
if (client) {
while (client.connected()) {
if (client.available()) {
String line = client.readStringUntil('\n');
char str[line.length() + 1];
line.toCharArray(str, line.length());
char *method;
char *request;
method = strtok(str, terminator1);
request = strtok(NULL, terminator1);
if (String(request) == "/") {
int days = millis() / day ; //number of days
unsigned int hours = (millis() % day) / hour; //the remainder from days division (in milliseconds) divided by hours, this gives the full hours
unsigned int minutes = ((millis() % day) % hour) / minute ; //and so on...
unsigned int seconds = (((millis() % day) % hour) % minute) / second;
client.println(F("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"));
client.println(F("Content-Type: text/html"));
client.println(F("<!DOCTYPE html>"));
client.println(F("<meta charset='utf-8'>"));
client.println(F("<meta name='author' content='Martin Chlebovec'>"));
client.println(F("<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='30'; />"));
client.println(F("<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'>"));
client.println(F("<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>"));
client.println(F("<script type='text/javascript'>"));
client.println(F("var timeleft = 30;"));
client.println(F("var downloadTimer = setInterval(function(){"));
client.println(F("if(timeleft <= 0){"));
client.println(F("document.getElementById(\"countdown\").innerHTML = \"Refresh...\";"));
client.println(F("} else {"));
client.println(F("document.getElementById(\"countdown\").innerHTML = timeleft + \" seconds to refresh\";"));
client.println(F("timeleft -= 1;"));
client.println(F("}, 1000);"));
client.println(F("<title>HTTP webserver - Arduino + Ethernet</title>"));
client.println(F("<center><h3>Enter data for webserver (will be stored in EEPROM):</h3>"));
client.println(F("<form action='/action.html' method='get'>"));
client.println("<b>Target temperature:</b><br><input type='text' id='fname' name='fname' value=" + read_String(10) + "><br>");
client.println("<b>Hysteresis:</b><br><input type='text' id='fname2' name='fname2' value=" + read_String(100) + "><br>");
client.println(F("<input type='submit' class='btn btn-success' value='Send'>"));
if (stav == "ON") {
client.println(F("<b><font color='green'>Output: ON</font></b>"));
if (stav == "OFF") {
client.println(F("<b><font color='red'>Output: OFF</font></b>"));
client.println(F("<div id=\"countdown\"></div>"));
client.print(F("<b>Actual temperature from DS18B20:</b> "));
client.println(F(" °C"));
client.print(F("<b>Uptime: </b>"));
client.print(F(" "));
client.print(F(" "));
client.print(F(" "));
client.println(F("<h3>Author: Martin Chlebovec - -</h3>"));
client.println(F("<h4>Free version - 1.0.4 build: 18. Sep. 2021</h4>"));
} else if (String(request) == "/get_data.json") {
client.println(F("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"));
client.println(F("Content-Type: application/json"));
} else if (String(request) == "/favicon.ico") { //fix chybajuceho faviconu
} else {
String myString = String(request);
if (myString.startsWith("/action.html")) {
char* parameter;
char* value;
char* hodnota1;
char* hodnota2;
parameter = strtok(request, terminator3);
value = strtok(NULL, terminator3);
hodnota1 = strtok(value, terminator4);
hodnota2 = strtok(NULL, terminator4);
char* H_1;
char* H_2;
strtok(hodnota1, terminator5);
H_1 = strtok(NULL, terminator5);
strtok(hodnota2, terminator5);
H_2 = strtok(NULL, terminator5);
String first_param = String(H_1);
String second_param = String(H_2);
if (isFloat(first_param)) {
writeString(10, String(H_1));
} else {
Serial.println(F("User input for key fname (Target temperature) is not a number!"));
if (isFloat(second_param)) {
writeString(100, String(H_2));
} else {
Serial.println(F("User input for key fname2 (Hysteresis) is not a number!"));
client.println(F("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"));
client.println(F("Content-Type: text/html"));
client.println(F("<!DOCTYPE html>"));
client.println(F("<meta charset='utf-8'>"));
client.println(F("<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='5; url=/' />"));
client.println(F("<title>HTTP webserver - Arduino + Ethernet</title>"));
client.println(F("<center><h3>Server received datas from HTML form:</h3>"));
if (!isFloat(second_param) || !isFloat(second_param)) {
client.println(F("<h3><font color='red'>The data entered is not a number!!! Please try again after redirecting.</font></h3>"));
} else {
client.println("<li><b>Target temperature: </b>" + String(H_1) + "</li>");
client.println("<li><b>Hysteresis: </b>" + String(H_2) + "</li>");
client.println(F("<b>Redirecting ... Please wait</b></center>"));
} else {
client.println(F("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"));
The implementation incorporates programs for both static and dynamic assignment of an IPv4 address to the Ethernet shield. It is important to note that the thermostat is specifically designed for indoor temperatures! (above 0 °C), and the system logic is tailored accordingly. The thermostat is versatile and can function as a replacement for an existing room thermostat. Additionally, it can be temporarily employed to regulate the heater in an aquarium or terrarium, ensuring a consistent temperature.